Three 80s acts in one concert... ish.

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Three 80s acts in one concert... ish.

Post by Robsey »

Inspired by a thread on the VW forum, that was discussing bands that we had seen recently.

The missus and I saw Howard Jones and Blancmange last night at the Bridgewater Hall.

Wife is a huge Howard Jones fan since she was in her early teens forty years ago.
He was okay, but he does like to mess about with his songs. Too much for my liking.

Hojo in a piano moment.

At times having an almost acid-party vibe to it.
And other times warbling un-necessarily.

Call it a cameo role if you like, but rhythm guitar was played by Nick Beggs of Kajagoogoo fame.
They played "Too Shy", which Howard didn't mess about with. One of the better songs in Howard's set.

Nick Beggs

He always was a flambouyant dresser as you can see.
For me, the highlight was the support act Blancmange.
Opening with a storming version of Blind Vision

Neil Arthur's voice was amazingly unchanged after 40 years. Driving rhythms and a strong voice means I will be booking to see them at the Academy 2 next May.

Blancmange in full swing.

He is clearly not a showman - his quirky dancing showed that. It was all about the music, not polished theatricals.
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Re: Three 80s acts in one concert... ish.

Post by thomas »

'The Day Before You Came' by Blancmange might find a place on my ultimate 80s mix-tape/cav road-trip sounds.
With it will be Kometenmelodie Part 2 by Kraftwerk, and Whispers by Visage/Steve Strange.

Hate them mangling their own songs, how dare they!
The mournful moaning Weller did it with his cashing-in album, 'The Sound of the Jam' with lots of pointless little instrumental excursions, just give us the singles we remember, much as they were and don't over-do it, or we can't sing along.
Cav 1994 1.8LSi 5-dr Jungle Green Pearl: Daily. :D
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Re: Three 80s acts in one concert... ish.

Post by Robsey »

Neil sang a stripped down version of 'The Day Before You Came'..
It was almost haunting - definite hairs stand up on the back of the neck, stuff.

I got a little 'lost' in some of his newer (unknown to me) material, but it was of the same style as his early stuff.

Kraftwerk eh?...
I am more mainstream like Autobahn, Neon Lights and of course 'the model'.

And Visage - I know Fade to Grey, word for word... even all the French lyrics.

I was a SimpleMinds fan for many years... my first ever 'gig' was at Roundhay Park in Leeds for the Street Fighting Years tour. (1989 ish, I believe). As with all bands, they became Stadium fillers after they had made their best songs. I prefer their 1979 to 1984 stuff.

I still hark back to the New Romantic Pop Era with songs like 'Dream to Sleep' by H2O being a firm favourite.

Before you ask... no I did not wear make up - lol.
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