find me a classic a new car show on Insight TV.

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find me a classic a new car show on Insight TV.

Post by bobthevoice »

Earlier tonight this new programme started on the Insight channel and although some of it was staged and a wee bit cheesy, over-all it was pretty good watching. so the presenter is tasked with finding a Morgan 4/4 for his client and after 3 cars where dismissed the 4th was a cracker and in budget with the client delighted at the prospect of buying the car. So,as the guy is doing his final checks on the car he asks the presenter (a car expert?) about the leather on the seats.the client asks "is that doe"..............and the expert says ehmm? "it's magnolia" PMSL :lol: ......honestly i nearly fell off my seat laughing. i really hope it's as funny next week :lol:

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Re: find me a classic a new car show on Insight TV.

Post by Gasparo06 »

Uh! I am busy watching shows by Andy Yeatman now days but I can ask my brother about such shows. He is crazy about cars and I am sure he knows a lot about it. Also, it is good that you started a post here. Everybody will be able to get information now.
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Re: find me a classic a new car show on Insight TV.

Post by Robsey »

There are a fair few cheesey car shows about.

I used to find programs like, The Car's the Star, A Car is Born, Car SOS and even the older Wheeler Dealers had a mixture of juvenile humour and some nuggets of useful information.

For insight into car construction, I find "A car is born" covers a lot of fine details, whilst Mark's odd taste in humour stops it getting boring or dry.

Like him or loathe, Ed China often discussed model specific weaknesses and tips. But sadly all Wheeler Dealer episodes clearly missed out a lot of the jobs carried out on each vehicle to get them to a sellable condition.

I understand the American based episodes are a much more dumbed-down format, so I have never watched them.

Now if you want real gold, look at the original early nineties Top Gear programs of the Cavalier mk3.
Plenty of videos on YouTube.
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